- What kind of tours are there? 你们有哪几种行程?
- G:What kind of restaurants are there in your hotel? 旅客:在饭店里面有哪几种风味的餐厅?
- What kind of excursion cruses are there on the river? 在这条河上有什么样的游览船?
- What kinds of wresting are there? 摔跤有几种姿势?
- What kinds of tea are there here? 这儿都有些什么茶叶?
- What kind of food was there in Turfan? 吐鲁番有哪种食物?
- Look, there is a travel agency over there. Should we go and see what kind of tours they offer? 看,那边有个旅行社。我们去看看他们都提供哪些旅游服务吧?
- What kind of excursion cruises are there on the river? 在这条河上有什么样的游览船?
- Sculpture is a form of art; what kinds of desserts are there? 雕塑是一种艺术形式;有多少种甜食?
- What kind of chemicals are there in the Flos Sophorae? 槐花的主要化学成分有哪些?
- What kinds of thermal stress are there in the reactor? 在反应堆里有哪一种热应力?
- What kind of tours do you have? 你想要什么样的行程?
- Can you advice me what kind of shoes fit me best? 你能不能指点我,哪种鞋穿最合适?
- How many people can the grand auditorium house accomodate? And what kinds of installations are there in it? 大礼堂可容纳多少人?有何设施?
- What kind of climate do you have? 你们这里属于哪种气候?
- What kind of medical insurance are you covered by? 你享有那种医疗保险?
- What level is your job with in the company? How many main levels of positions are there at your company? What kind of business is your company in? 你的工作职位是什么?你在公司是什么级别的?在你们公司里有多少主要的职位级别?你们公司从事什么样的业务?下面是一些询问工作地点的方式
- What kind of work do you do? Are you a salesman? 你是做什么工作的? 你是推销员吗?
- But, you know, what kind of new techniques are there in terms of analyzing where those things come from and having constructs that do automatic testing? 但是,你知道,在分析的术语有是什麽类型的新技术那些事物来自哪里和有构造那做自动机械测试?
- What kind of job are you seeking? 你要找哪种工作?